Target key word "rocreh web design"

On January 19 2010 is the start day of the competition is open to all computer education department of the said School about the keyword Rocreh Web Design this competition managed by Bleuken and JM, in joining in this competition you must learn SEO.
Affordable Web Design is provide a assistance to small to medium business to build a great presence on the web, They understand how important of the websites build and to be recognize thats why they as a web development company they were specializes in web design.

Rocreh Web Design SEO contest is already been approved, The said prize in the competition for the top 3 ranking 1st Prize P1,500.00 cash plus WEBSITE (1 year domain registration for .com + hosting) 2nd PrizeP1,000.00 cash plus WEBSITE (1 year domain registration for .info only + hosting)3rd Prize P500.00 cash plus WEBSITE (1 year domain registration for .info only + hosting.

Note: Only Computer Education Student of the said School is Valid to participate to the comptetition for the Keyword rocreh web design.Entries should be registerd by leaving a comment on said site and URL of the participants.

This Rocreh Web Design competition will End on The 1st day of the IT Week(Comsci Day) at 11:00A a.m on the said day.

I hope this "rocreh web design" Entry will be seen in the Top of Google search, To all of my competitors of this Rocreh Web design Competition GoodLuck and God Bless!